Hiking in Panama City

Price 4 Hours
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Hiking in Panama City

per person

This is an easy one to do, and more of a “do it yourself” type of activity.

Lots of people come here on a daily basis for their daily workout routines, its virtually in the city itself, its around 5k round-trip  and it has an amazing vibe, surrounded by lots of animals (deer, armadillos, tucans, etc)

Location: Cerro Ancon, Panama.

Schedules: You may enter from 6:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Things to do: walking, running, bicycling, City Sightseeing, watch the sunset.

All in all, great place to go for a relaxing afternoon, or early power walk.

4 Hours
5+ Age
  • Departure
    Panama City
  • Departure Time
    Your Choice
  • Return Time
    Your Choice
  • Dress Code
    Casual. Comfortable athletic clothing, hiking shoes, hat and sun gglasses.
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